I wonder if it is possible to make mixtures of grass seed and herbicide (in dusty condition) when seeding a new lawn. Sometimes the ground I work with is not ensured that it is clear of herb seeds so preventing their growing would be really useful to me! Thanks a lot for your replies!
if you use a pre-emergent herbicide I would imagine it would inhibit the germination of the grass seeds as well. Most lawn weed killers reccommend waiting before applying to newly seeded lawns, usually 3 months.
Thank you, but what if I use a herbicide that selects to kill only the herbs that belong to "wider leaf" families, such as Portulaca oleracea or Solanum eleagnifollium?
if you can find a pre emergent herbicide that only affects broadleaf weeds it might work. The current ideals of many areas would rather that you use IPM management principles. Such as tolerance, hand weeding and other cultural practices that would dissuade weed growth rather than blanket application of pesticides.