Lagerstroemia indica 'Natchez'

Discussion in 'Woody Plants' started by Dixie, Sep 11, 2007.

  1. Dixie

    Dixie Active Member

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    Arkansas, USA
    We have mysterious symtoms recently appearing on ALL of our Natchez crapes. Some have been in the ground for 15+ years. None of the other cultivars seem to be affected. The new growth has interveinal yellowing then necrosis while at the same time leaf distortion and curling. There is a little bit of raised, blister like spots as well. Flowering does not seem to be affected. I have been googling and looking in my books and have gotten nowhere. We do know that they have some spider mites and a few scattered aphids. We are concerned about possible preemerge sensitivity or other chemical factor. Our turf/beds do have pre/post emergents applied (snapshot/treflan). So far, in my googling I have found their sensitivity to halosulfuron (sedgehammer) which we have used widespread in past years. Here are some pictures to help further explain what we are seeing. I was wondering if anyone else has had this appear or if anyone might have any thoughts as to what is causing this. Thanks!

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  2. Dixie

    Dixie Active Member

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    Arkansas, USA
    okay, so I just had an email from one of our extension guys and he said:

    The name of this new disorder is 'rabbit tracks'.
    It was coined by a group of researchers at Auburn. I have been
    troubled with this also on 'Natchez'. The Auburn group presented a
    paper at SNA a few weeks ago and they still cannot determine a cause.
    They have ruled out a bunch of things including thrips, virus,
    Some of my nutritional work causes this to occur or not occur so I plan
    to followup and try to isolate a cause.
    I would not worry. I will keep you posted as we learn more.

    very interesting.
  3. Poetry to Burn

    Poetry to Burn Active Member

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    Philadelphia PA
    Do you have an update Dixie?

    I'm a big fan of 'Natchez' except for the droopy flowers. Still the spectacular bark more than covers for any shortcomings of this tree.

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