I planted the shrub in April 2023 but it didn’t flower. This year, the plant has really grown and looks very healthy. Very bushy zig zagging green leaves but again it’s not flowered. Is this normal whilst it gets established, is it likely to flower next year? I live in the UK. Thanks
Yes, normal. It may be several more years till it is old enough to flower, just like you wouldn't expect 2-year old kids to be having children of their own.
It’s about 2.5ft high and about 3ft wide. It’s grown really well in the 12 months it’s been planted and is very bushy.
Example shown of this dwarf clonal cultivar seems plenty big enough to be flowering. Why it has not been seen flowering previously will remain obscure, in the absence of explanatory occurrences coming to light. Like you happening to not be around it during its early spring flowering period each year. Or a shadow from the fence somehow being enough to interfere with bud set (yet the plant looks normal otherwise).
Good point, Ron. When it was planted last year was likely after its flowering period, based on the April 4 photos from the ones in the planters at the Langdale Ferry Terminal. This year, the photos were from March 7 to 19.
Thank you everyone. I am inclined to think I may have missed it this year. Looking forward to next Spring. I will be watching closely.
Excellent point Ron B and @wcutler I have by now learned a name of cherry tree I well know at Langdale 3 twisted sisters :) EDIT - you’re correct —- 4 twisted trees
Ok - i looked up 2024 posts about twisted cherries in huge containers Langdale and I see March 30th on Sunshine Coast cherry Blossom forum - March 30/24 https://forums.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/threads/sunshine-coast-gulf-islands.95067/page-22#post-442296 a location that is snow and biting winds approx 40 feet from salt water ocean in our winter