Are any of these of the crassula family? I'm a newb to this stuff...any help would be appreciated. By the looks of it there are at least 5-6 different strains here. As for species, i'm not sure. There are those 3 which look very similar, and could well be in the same family. Thoughts?
-"the big plant" could be Senecio 'Himalaya' -"3 similar" is Echeveria sp. (Crassulaceae family) + a little Hatiora salicornioides + a Sedum sp., S. morganianum? (Crassulaceae family)
The center could be xPachyveria, at 1-3 o'clock looks like xSedeveria 'Harry Butterfield', 6 o'clock may be Echeveria 'Doris Taylor', 7-8 o'clock might be a Sempervivum, and 9 o'clock could be Echeveria 'Black Prince'. I agree with the Hatiora, but have no idea on the tall one in the back.
Agree with many IDs given already... Taller one in back, Senecio -it does look like it could be 'Himalaya' Hatiora salicornioides sticking out front. Agree with all rj710's IDs, except the one doesn't seem fuzzy enough for E. 'Doris Taylor'-but could be.