I have started to shape the largest 2 on the right since last yr. Purchased the 2 on the left this spring and gave it a trim. They are from left to right Muraskai Kiyohime, Kiyohime, Murasaki Kiyohime, Kiyohime THe Murasaki has more colors and more of a yellow tint in the spring and purple edges in the fall.
I love Kiyohime and mine has grown to gigantic proportions in a container. So much so that I have made the decision to put it into the ground. I am in zone 5, so if anyone reads this and thinks it's a bad idea, please let me know. I put Murasaki Kiyohime in the ground a couple years ago and it is fantastic, seems really hardy, so I'm hoping. Kiyohime is so vigorous I prune it so hard each year that I am afraid I've pruned too much, but it just keeps growing. Kay
Both are very hardy and fantastic plants for the garden. Don't be afraid to set them in the ground. Just a warning - Murasaki kiyohime does not get tall, but it does get WIDE. As in 12, 15, 18+ ft wide! Mine is 5 years old, probably less than 2ft high, but already 5 feet across!
Now you tell me, after i have one planted two feet from a window! LOL! Going to be air layering off some of it this winter!