Hello I bought an arctic beauty kiwi a while back. The pot said that it had both the female and male kiwis in the same pot. I only saw one shoot when planting it, but assumed that they have been grafted together. Could this be the case? Or am I really missing out on the kiwis. The main reason I am posting here is that my kiwi vine was doing well. Until recently, its leaves started drooping and turnning black or dark brown and falling off. It also lost many good leaves, they just dropped off. This is happening throughout the vine. even the new leaves. I am watering it moderetly. Is it bec of the end of season, since its september already? but my other plants arent loosing any leaves yet. What is the problem and what can I do to fix it so I will not loose the vine. Thank you
Thank you for your reply, but the kiwi is in partial shade, it gets sun in the afternoon at around 3pm, and for a few hours as the sun moves over it. I think it gets just enough sun, since I know the sun where I live is very strong and has burned one of my plants before!!! What else could the problem be? Thank you
My arctic kiwi, which was new this year, also has its leaves turning brown with some falling off. I think its from the cool evenings we've had possibly causing the plant to go into dormancy? I'm in SW Ontario so I imagine your evenings have been even cooler up in Ottawa.