I live in Wisconsin and have a set of Kiwi vines that are approx. 7 years old. They are beautiful vines that look VERY healthy, however they have NEVER flowered. I planted one male and three female. What can I do to get them to flower?
Maybe the flower buds are being lost to winter cold. Or you are pruning them heavily already, cutting the flower buds off.
Same problem- I believe my male died, will other varieties of kiwi male plants pollinate my large 10 yr old females. Mine have flowered, just no fruit
I have never pruned them heavily - what time of the year should I do this? And, how much is heavily? Right now they are growing around a swinging bench in our front yard.
Prune during the dormant months, ie Jan/Feb. and note where spurs are, for this is the part where flowers and fruit set....