Has anyone had success growing Kirengeshoma in full shade? The location I'm thinking of only gets one hour of dappled shade in the afternoon. Would Kirengeshoma do okay or be feeble and not flower? Thanks Matt
Probably wouldn't mind exposure. Main issue here seems to be slugs eating off the newly emerged shoots.
Kirengeshoma palmata and koreana are, I think, distinct species... but both grow well and bloom well in pretty heavy shade for me - haven't counted the hours of sun. Palmata is more vigorous in that the patch expands faster, expanding by at least 5 stems per year, Koreana multiples more slowly... one stem the first year, two stems the second year, three stems the third year... so the definition of "feeble" will be different. Koreana is taller and has bigger leaves; that might mean it will grow better in shade. I'm thinking soil quality and moisture will also influence how they grow.