
Discussion in 'VCBF Cultivar Locations' started by gonul guvenc, Apr 29, 2008.

  1. gonul guvenc

    gonul guvenc Active Member

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    Vancouver, BC, Canada
    Locations of kanzans will be summarized here. (Prunus Sato-zakura Group 'Kanzan'). For search purposes, I'll mention that this cultivar is often called 'Kwanzan'.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2009
  2. gonul guvenc

    gonul guvenc Active Member

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    Vancouver, BC, Canada
    Re: Kanzan or Pink Perfection

    *on Kilby Street - please see pictures in Richmond.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2012
  3. gonul guvenc

    gonul guvenc Active Member

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    Vancouver, BC, Canada
    Re: Kanzan or Pink Perfection

    *Kensington/Cedar Cottage: E 29 Avenue, east of Knight St., 5 Kanzans on the north - please see pictures .
    Also: Clark Park, on the map but not posted in the forums
    St Catherines, 22nd to 23rd and 27th to 28th, photos.
    Ross St, 29th to 31st, see photos
    29th, east of Ross, see photos.
    Brewer's Park, see photos.
    19th, Glen to Dumfries and 26th near Glen and Prince Albert, photos
    21st and Knight, photos.
    North of 33rd on Commercial and also on Beatrice, photos. And north of 32nd on Dumfries, photos.
    Trout Lake, 15th and Victoria, photos.
    Fraser south of 15th, and 14th east of Fraser, no photos.
    Others on the map but I can't find postings:
    Argyle, 32nd to 33rd and 37th to 47th
    Dumfries, 15th to 18th
    Fleming, north from 41st
    34th, west from Commercial
    Bruce, north from 32nd
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 4, 2012
  4. gonul guvenc

    gonul guvenc Active Member

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    Vancouver, BC, Canada
    Re: Kanzan or Pink Perfection

    *along the seawall, it's still called Sutcliffe Park.
    *the end of Granville Island, next to the hotel.
    Please see pictures in Fairview.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2012
  5. gonul guvenc

    gonul guvenc Active Member

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    Vancouver, BC, Canada
    Re: Kanzan or Pink Perfection

    *Marpole: French Street from Park Drive to 62nd Avenue ... both sides
    *French Street from West 70th to 72nd Avenue - please see pictures in Marpole
    * Montcalm Street from West 70th to 72nd Avenue - please see pictures in Marpole
    *Osler Street from West 64th to 70th Avenue ... both sides - please see pictures in Marpole.
    *West 60th Avenue from Granville to Angus Drive ... both sides - in Marpole
    *Cartier Street from West 64th to 70th Avenue ... both sides - in Marpole
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2012
  6. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    I've changed the thread title and what will be posted here - these are all Kanzans.
  7. gonul guvenc

    gonul guvenc Active Member

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    Vancouver, BC, Canada
    *Dunbar-Southlands: 16th Ave. between Blenheim and Arbutus - see pictures
    *on 18th west of Highbury - please see pictures in Dunbar-Southlands.
    Other locations: Olympic, 41st to SW Marine, see photos.
    43rd, Collingwood to Blenheim, with 'Ichiyo' across the street, see photos.
    36th to 38th, Crown to Camosen, on the map, but not posted in the forums
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 4, 2012
  8. gonul guvenc

    gonul guvenc Active Member

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    Vancouver, BC, Canada
    *University BLVD from Blanca St to Westbrook Mall.
    * University Golf
    Please see pictures in UBC
  9. gonul guvenc

    gonul guvenc Active Member

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    Vancouver, BC, Canada
    *E42nd Ave between Killarney and Earles St
    *E44th Ave between Wales and Earles
    *E46th Ave between Doman and Kerr st
    *E47th Ave between Butler and Doman St
    *E48th Ave between Vivian and Killarney
    *Mckinnon St. between 43rd and 45th Ave
    *Toderick St. between 43rd and 45th Ave
    *Vivian St. between 47th and 48th Ave
    please see pictures in Killarney.
    54th, Killarney to Kerr is on the map, but no forum posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2012
  10. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    With 11,000 Kanzan street trees in Vancouver, and more planted since that number was established, it shouldn't be necessary to list them here. Go outside at the end of April, walk two blocks and you'll see one. Or a street lined with them. I'm just trying here for representation from each neighbourhood that hasn't been listed yet. You can look at almost any neighbourhood blog to find some locations.

    Arbutus Ridge: 20th, running east from Puget Drive; also
    30th, east and west of MacKenzie, photos.
    33rd, east and west of MacKenzie, photos.
    16th, from Arbutus to Trafalgar, photos.
    Grandview Woodland:
    3rd, from Semlin to Commercial - these were a 2009 Festival Favourite
    2nd, from Victoria to Commercial, then Semlin at Graveley looking north and south
    Templeton south of 1st. Here's an Amanogawa on Templeton at Grant.

    Hastings-Sunrise: 7th from Renfrew to Windermere; also
    Slocan and Turner, looking every direction
    Nanaimo, from Venables to Pandora, were a 2008 Festival Favourite

    : 41st from Larch to Yew; also
    Larch, 42nd to Marine Drive
    McCleery Golf Course
    46th and West Blvd - one of the many locations of a Kanzan being overtaken by the Avium rootstock - see photo

    Kitsilano: Yew, 1st to Broadway, see photos. Also 5th west of Burrard, and in the park at 6th and Maple in the same posting
    McNicoll at Chestnut, see photos.
    Point Grey Road at Trutch, see photos.

    Mount Pleasant: St Catherines, from Broadway to 17th; also several streets right around there -
    Glen Drive - 10th to 18th, photos
    10th Ave, St Catherines to Keith, photos, and same posting, 18th and Clark Dr
    See the other postings in Mount Pleasant
    11th east of Yukon, on the map but not posted on the forums
    7th, Main to Clark; how could these not be posted? These also run for a mile west of Main, in the Fairview neighbourhood; I know those were posted.
    China Creek Park, on the map but not posted on the forums.
    6th from Prince Albert to Carolina, photos. And Keith at 7th, both streets, see photos.

    Oakridge: Fremlin, 47th to 49th

    Renfrew-Collingwood: 40th from Wales to Clarendon; also
    Rupert St. between Grandview Hwy (12th) and E29, photos
    E22 Avenue between Rupert and Windermere St, photos

    Richmond: this postings lists some locations, and see other postings in Richmond.

    Riley Park: Columbia south from 37th

    South Cambie: 39th, Willow to Cambie, see photos. And Willow, 37th to 39th.

    Sunset: 50th Ontario to Fraser; also 53rd, Fraser to Ross
    Also Elgin, 47th to 49th, see photos.
    49th east of Cambie, 'Kanzan' run for miles on 49th, but they're not posted in this neighbourhood; they're on the map though

    UBC: Chancellor Blvd and UBC Golf Course, posted in the West Point Grey neighbourhood blog
    and University Blvd, see photos
    West Mall is a location on the map, but there's no posting in the forums for this

    Victoria-Fraserview: Argyle, from 37th to 47th

    West End/Stanley Park: Davie to Jervis, how can there be no photos of these! They're on the map, not mentioned even on the forum.
    Also, Haro, Chilco to Broughton, and in Chilco mini-park at Haro, see photos.
    Pendrell at Thurlow, photos.
    Bute, Nelson to Burnaby, photos.
    Mini-park, Jervis at Burnaby, photos

    West Vancouver: Park Royal Shopping Centre;
    also Taylor Way, see photos
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2012
  11. nmelzer

    nmelzer Member

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    Douglas Park area, Vancouver
    Beach Grove Park in Tsawwassen (Delta), next to Beach Grove Elementary School. See photos in Tsawwassen. I used the Festival Map application to submit a "new" location record for this tree. I'd like to see it as a dot on the map. I hope I did it right; the application says my new submission is "waiting for review".
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 17, 2011
  12. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Yes, I get notified of all submissions and make sure we have a photo of the location or can otherwise confirm the ID before I approve them. You even attached the photo correctly, so that was easy. Just for the record, I don't approve the plums that get submitted, and if people enter their email address (not really necessary when they're scouts or forum users), then I let them know the outcome of the review.

    I had some question about the location. You said Tsawwassen, and we have a neighbourhood blog for Tsawwassen and Ladner, but you used the Delta neighbourhood in the submission. I've changed that to Tsawwassen to match the blog it's posted in, and I've added a link to the posting in the previous posting here.
  13. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    This is a timely posting. There are a few good 'Kanzan' locations not mentioned:

    Fairview: 7th from Hemlock east to Cambie and far beyond that, and also 8th from Oak to Cambie. See photos. Also Willow between 13th and 14th, see photos. And a pretty double row of Kanzan along Oak Street just in front of Vancouver General Hospital, see photos. And 3rd east of Burrard for two blocks, photos.

    Downtown: Beatty Walk, see photos; also groves in a park-like setting on both sides of National east of Quebec, see photos.

    [Edited] And some not timely additions:
    Renfrew-Collingwood: Spencer at Clive, one block, not forming an arch, see posting with photo of trees not in bloom.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2012
  14. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Not-timely posting of 'Kanzan' locations newly posted in 2012

    North Vancouver: There are dozens or more 'Kanzan' Trees on Munday Pl, see photos. Also,
    3 dozen or more 'Kanzan' pink cherry trees line the median between Riverside Drive and Browning Place on Mount Seymour Parkway. See photos.
    6 'Kanzan' trees located on the SW corner of the ICBC buildling plaza at Chadwick Court, photos.
    6-8 pink blossom 'Kanzan' cherry trees in the front of 175 E 2nd Manyo Restaurant. See the white blossom branch (from the rootstock) growing out of this tree which is unusual, photos.

    White Rock / South Surrey: 17A Ave between 126 and 127A Streets are planted with 'Kanzan' cherries, see photos. Also,
    8 'Kanzan' cherries along parking lot at 16A Ave from 146 St, photos.
    26 Ave east from 134 and 26 Ave west from 136, planted with 'Kanzan', photos.
    14A Ave east from 133B St planted with 'Kanzan', photos.
    15A Ave from 134A St, planted with 'Kanzan' cherries, photos.
    17A Ave from 146 St planted with 'Kanzan' cherries, photos.
    On short cul-de-sac 24A Ave from 144 St, more than 10 'Kanzan' cherries, photos.
    From corner 140A St and 16A Ave, attractive location, photos.
    162 St from 10 Ave turning to 161A and cul de sacs on it, photos.
    163 St between 12 Ave and 10 Ave, photos.
    163A from 13 Ave around the school and south to 12 Ave, photos.
    Martin Str south from 16 Ave are 2 very nice 'Kanzan' trees, photos.
    ALDERWOOD Park and area around are full of 'Kanzan' cherries, photos.
    Along East side of 152 St from Veterinary Hospital toward 26 Ave several 'Kanzan' trees, photos.
    'Kanzan' along Southmere Cr, on both sides, photos
    'Kanzan' on south side of 20 Ave from 151 to 150 St, photos.
    Early blooming 'Kanzan' in Centennial Park White Rock Centre, photos.
    Around corner Blackwood St & Thrift Ave, photos.
    22B Ave and 129B St planted both with 'Kanzan' and 'Ukon' (more than 20) trees to 24 Ave, photos.

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