KALE and COLLARD green seedling questions

Discussion in 'Outdoor Gardening in the Pacific Northwest' started by vicarious1, Apr 1, 2012.

  1. vicarious1

    vicarious1 Active Member 10 Years

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    Burnaby North on a slope facing south & a view :-)
    Hi. I planted my Kale from home grown seeds. Following the good advise from UBC members here I got many small plants in elevated flowerbeds in October.
    Then moved them into my small plastic green houses but with the autumn/winter, so much rain, they all were eaten by snails etc.
    As I had so many seedling I kept some in the elevated beds and put some old window on top Kale and Swiss Chard and Ruby Spinach.
    The whole winter never looked at them and now in spring discovered +- 4" tall Kale plants Blue Russian and Siberian and plenty of Swiss and Spinach.
    Now moved the Kale to the lower beds with plastic green house /OPEN
    What I want your opinion/ experiences. Are they likely to grow into normal mature plants over summer as grown from new seedling now?
    Or they will shoot up, bolt and die?
    I have many more seeds that I am planting in the next days to make seedlings and don't want to miss my whole season. But also not to grow to many. The two of us usually can eat all summer autumn from our garden.
    I also have curly Kale and Collard green that has lived over the Winter that is making
    Would you recommend I eat it up and plant new ones or are they likely to make (sizeable) new leaves.
    The Curly one only makes tiny "crown like" leaves and the Collard green only short one quite thick. As I am restricted with only 120m2 of growing space in total every m2 of bed counts. Someone told me to cut the kale +-5" from the floor and it will shoot new leaves normal size ( I tried that last year) but with the weather we had it was a disaster.
    Anyone ever grown the curly purple Kale the tall one and EAT it or is it only decorative? It LOOKS yummy I only have grown one only but it was too later in Autumn only looked pretty but I collected the seeds.
    (not the short round one they sell in nurseries to decorate in autumn winter with color splashes)

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    Last edited: Apr 1, 2012

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