I have quite a few hibiscus plants, different colors. Does or has anyone tried to pollinate their own like cross breeding colors. How easy is this and is it worth my while?
I have never done this. Definitely worthwhile, but probably challenging. Here is a good page to get started: http://www.trop-hibiscus.com/hibseed.html
I have done this; it's challenging but in the end it's extremely rewarding. Plus it's always interesting because you never quite know what the final colour combo is going to be.... I got streaked red and orange blooms once, when I was hoping for peach.
i think it is worth it are you going to get a hybrid that is different and special enough to put a name to and register well thats allot more challenging. i have yet to get one that is worth naming but still trying i will keep my first hybrid simply because it was my first one it was yellow delight x fiji island a yellow and a pink the cross is a red/orange color. most of my other hybrides have ended up being rootstock or compost.i did not even know they set seeds till a friend gave me two seeds. from those two seedlings one of them bloomed in just over a year the other took almost 3 years. the blooms are identical but the growing form is different. the second one i grafted other h. to the first i have kept was going to use it for breeding but it is dominant on using it either way female/seed plant or male/pollen gave three away to a friend and they are all three red just like the mother plant. they just vary in growth pattern and speed.i may keep one branch for rootstock cuttings. but will probably graft its branches over to a diff variety.i have had some bloom in just over a year and i have three that i am waiting on they are almost 4 years old and no blooms yet. good luck on getting some good hybrids like i said you may never register and name one but it is still fun to try i am just a small scale hobby gardener most of my hobby is focused on fruiting plants but will always make time for hibiscus plants again good luck and have fun