It was the first day of summer, but there are still nice spring leaves. First two are broad-leaved trees. Salix integra 'Hakuro-nishiki' will lose the pink colouring. One site said the leaves would be green splotched with white, and another said they would be green. I'm not sure I'll even notice this plant once they turn but it's certainly lovely now. The Acer palmatum 'Shindeshojo' is in the running for the best spring colour of the Japanese maples. These leaves should hold their colour for a month and then fade to reddish green and then green. I see that one year I stood across the pond from the 'Shindeshojo', photographed the scene, but only mentioned this Cedrus deodara 'Silver Mist' next to it, didn't say a thing about the maple. I wonder if these leaves have already started to turn - I wouldn't say they're bright white, but they're clearly new leaves that give the plant a kind of fuzzy look.
Here is Cryptomeria japonica 'Sekkan-Sugi'. And Taiwania cryptomeriodes. I didn't think to photograph the tree, so I'm using Nadia's photo for that.
Taxus baccata, in the Alpine Garden. And finally, my favourite, Cephalotaxus harringtonia, marked as Korean selection, next to the boardwalk at the Admin building. The new shoots are so soft.