Hi All, I'm a newbie to the forum. I have been sizing up a beautiful red maple around 6-7 feet tall at a local nursery. I'm dying to buy it and plant it. Can I do this now- it's June 17. Our summer has not yet arrived in Newfoundland (where I live) and still relatively cool. When should I fertilize with 0-10-10? I have two other small maples, one is just a tiny seedling. Should I fertilize these as well?
if the red maple is in pot is good time, for advice read in Faq "how to plant a maple" i prefere not fertilize baby maples.. ciao
It this a particular variety, like 'Red Sunset' or 'October Glory'? Buy it, plant it a little bit raised above the surrounding soil - make a mound - and water it well and often. Try not to disturb the roots too much when you plant it, just make sure they aren't going around in a circle from being in the pot. If they are, tease them out a little so they don't make a circle. Mulch around the root ball and it will help retain moisture. Red Maple (Acer rubrum) is also called "Swamp Maple", so it can stand to be soaked quite a bit. As Alex says, do NOT fertilize anything this late in the year. I had to learn that lesson the hard way. Good luck! Post some pictures...