Hi all, The answer to a Jeopardy question tonight was "oasis", that green foam used in flower arranging. I knew the answer, but then my roommate asked what it was made of. That I didn’t know. I’ve just been trying to find out on the internet, but the information certainly isn’t easy to find. Does anyone happen to know what this stuff is made of? M.
Smithers Oasis,(leading maker): http://www.smithersoasis.com/res_techfacts.php MSDS for Oasis foam: http://www.fdionline.net/Files/MSDS/SO-OasisFloralFoam6-05-05.pdf It does have its hazards!!
A polymer made using some sort of phenol derivative (phenol is a specific chemical) as at least one of the monomers is my guess. NiftyNiall--- There is (apparently) an MSDS for HPLC grade water (a very pure grade of water used in analytical chemistry operations) as well as one for sand (also used in various analytical chemistry operations). While I haven't seen the one for HPLC grade water (only heard about it), I have seen the one for sand, and there is a winner of line in there about how it is bad for mucous membranes! (No.........!!)
A lot of people use Oasis that has been contaminated with (or even deliberately treated with) DHMO, which can be very dangerous - many people are unaware of the dangers associated with DHMO, a potentially lethal chemical. Check here for more info: http://www.dhmo.org/facts.html