Buenos Dias, I have found conflicting information. My garden is a balcony garden to which my three cats have free (safe) access. I was given a j. polyanthum in a hangin basket for my birthday. If this plant is dangerous for the Girls then I will re-gift this vigoroug beauty to a friend. Thank you for your time and advice! Con regard, Tomato
Check with a local Vet or your Poison Control Center. 1-800-222-1222 This is a US wide phone # that redirects to an entity in your area. I've ask them about Spider plants and some others where cats are concerned. I have one that likes to chew on any and everything. Bl
Buenos Tardes, Thank you! This is a helpful resource to have on hand. I will call them tomorrow morning and get an answer about this jasmine plant. Oh yes, my gatas munch on my spider plants! Despite a big pot of 'cat grass' perpetually growing for them to nibble! Con regard, Tomato
A lot of plants (and other non edible things) seem to attract cats. If the plant is not really toxic and you want to keep it you can spray some cayenne pepper on it. The cats learn very quickly not to stop eating it (unless your cats like spicy foods in which case you can try lemon oil).