Jasmine dying

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by mandiboothe, Aug 7, 2004.

  1. mandiboothe

    mandiboothe Member

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    HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my tree is dieing.......

    Hi there,

    I have just picked up a Jasmine Tree, I am not sure what kind it is. It is about 5 feet tall and has dark green leaves with small white flowers.
    I have had it for about a week and it has started to bloom, but the last 2 days all the leaves are starting to fall off, and I do not want it to die.
    If someone could let me know if there is something I can do to save it and stop this I would be so very happy..

    I have just starting collecting plants and do not know much about them, I always wanted a Jasmine tree, the smell alone is enough to make you want one..
    So if someone could please help before it dies..

    Thank you
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2004
  2. Junglekeeper

    Junglekeeper Esteemed Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver BC Canada
    Your plant may be Murraya paniculata, commonly known as Orange Jasmine. I have one indoors in a container and it likes to be in full sun. It seems to like plenty of water but not waterlogged; I let it dry out a bit before watering.

    It would help if you described the conditions in which it is being grown and the location/city you're in. A picture never hurts. Good luck.
  3. mandiboothe

    mandiboothe Member

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    Here are some pictures.
    I live in Prince George BC, and did have it in full sun, I called the store I picked it up from and they said they it would not like that, and that would be why the leaves are falling off... It looks very healthy, but the leaves just keep falling off like crazy..


    Attached Files:

  4. Junglekeeper

    Junglekeeper Esteemed Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver BC Canada
    The plant does appear to be Murraya paniculata. You can do a Google search to get information on its cultural requirements. If the plant is healthy then its fairly safe to discount insect problems. Too much or too little water? Perhaps not enough humidity? What is the condition of the leaves that are falling off? The folks on the Hortline may be able to offer some suggestions.

    By the way, you may want to place the city and province in the location field in your profile.
  5. Grassy Knoll

    Grassy Knoll Member

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    Cowichan Station
    Well I am not an expert with exotics , but you way be giving it too much water and / or sitting in the water in the saucer or it is low humidity. Try allowing the top inch of soil to dry slightly between waterings and put the plant on a layer of pea gravel in the saucer, the roots will get better drainage and higher humidity with the water in the saucer.
  6. douglas

    douglas Active Member 10 Years

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    princegeorge b.c
    Hi Mandib

    Being in PG myself I saw the pot and have very good idea where you picked it up from.

    A few suggestions , Try to get it into an unglazed clay or ceramic pot . so that the soil and roots may breath eazier.

    Also in the picture it shows the plant right beside the coldair return for your furnace. Being located there it has no chance of using any humidity from a ground tray. If you can relocate it to a non drafty area, that would help. ( most houses here have dehumidifiers in them) so you might want to mist it every once in a while.

    Also have you fertilized it. if so with what.( you may want to ask the store you bought it from what they used and if they know if it is a Hydroponic propogateted cutting)

    It may be that the plant is doing a little bit of relocation shock to.

    Don't forget that the majority of plants/ indoor out door / are previously shocked and then fed to produce the best display while in the store. ( ie who wants to buy a sick or ugly plant).

    Also can you post closer pics of the flowers and leaves as it will help with a true id.

    Hope some of this helps and keep us posted.

    Best regards

  7. mandiboothe

    mandiboothe Member

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    Thanks Doug,

    I did not want to put it in a new pot until it was used to being here, in the pic it is in front of that vent because it was the best place to take the picture, I keep it by my back door where there is a big window with some sun.. I saw today that it has spider mites, I am thinking maybe that could be something that is hurting the plant???
    I was thinking of taking the tree back and getting a tree that is made more for people like me.. ( Black Thumbs) :-( I have 6 plants so far and all are doing great..
    If you have any suggestions on a tree that is easy to care for, and is not to picky ? that would be great, I love the Jasmine, but I am thinking it is not the plant for me, at this time anyway.. I think I am to new to plants to have something that is picky..:-(
    Thanks for all your help..

  8. douglas

    douglas Active Member 10 Years

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    princegeorge b.c
    Hi Mandi

    If the Jasminum has spider mites deal with them ASAP as they will translocate all over the house.( It is a nasty year for them here)

    A good starter plant for indoors and out is Schefflera (Brassaia actinophylla) or

    A Dieffenbachia or a Dracaena or Rubber plants are nice(Fiscus
    elastica) Figs (Ficus benjamina) a wax plant ( Hoya or locally called La hoya) several varieties available here.

    Regards Dpm
  9. mandiboothe

    mandiboothe Member

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    Hi there

    The fig that you mentioned, is that something I can get in town?? I am sure I can find them all.. I was thinking of taking a trip out to a real plant store where maybe they have something that is not unhealthy.. Thanks so much for all your help and ideas for plants, I am going to look into all of them..:-)

    Thanks again, now that I have found this site I plan on staying here and learning lots..

  10. butterfly239

    butterfly239 Member

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    Edwardsville Kansas
    Hello, Mandi

    I was reading over your letter and I also read some of your replies. I Grow Jasmine plants, and trees. I would like to agree with one of the replies that talked about the cold air return. The Jasmine trees do not like air conditioning, these trees like humidity and full to part sun. Mine is outdoors in the summer while the air is on and inside during the winter months when the heat is on. Make sure you dont leave it sit in standing water, if you water it and there is a saucer underneath make sure to empty the water from the saucer within 1 hour. My Jasmines recieve about 5 hours of sun which is around 9:00 a.m. central time until around 4:00 p.m. then its in the shade the rest of the day. I use a pestiside on it weekly, which is a concentrate of flower and garden insect repellent. I also use a certain plant food on them. These guys require a different kind of plant food than most houseplants or outdoor plant. You should use a plant food that is 10-60-10. It is a bloom plus food that promotes rapid growth. The brand that I use is Schultz Expert Gardener. Most of your standard plant foods are 10-52-10, its the middle number that helps promote your growth. Make sure you feed when you water. I water once a week and that seems to be just fine. But in the winter months when you have it inside sometimes you have to watch it more closely to make sure it doesnt get to dry and that its not directly by the heater vents. If you have any questions please dont hesitate to ask. I wish you luck!

  11. mandiboothe

    mandiboothe Member

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    Hi there,

    I moved the tree outside and it seems to be doing better, I have not seen anymore leaves fall off and it is still flowering, I am going to leave it out there until it starts to get cold. It has been in its pot for some time now and I was wondering if I should repot it? and if so, how do I do that?? What kind of soil and how big should the pot be and stuff like that..

    Thanks so much for all the help.

  12. I live in the Oklahoma Panhandle, we are anywhere from 80's to 110 in summer and 0 to 50 in winter (temperatures vary)sometimes in the minus with wind chill. I received a Jasmine tree at my son's funeral. When we first brought it home it had pretty white flowers. Within just a day or two the leaves started falling off and all blooms were gone. The fallen leaves are still green but seem to be drying but not brittle dry. I had it in a room with a large north window but on a west wall, therefore it was getting very indirect light. Yesterday I moved in front of the north window. I have repotted it, I always feel of the soil before I water it. The only other thing, and I just read it, is to put it in a tray with pea gravel and water for humidity. We do live in a very dry climate and I do not have a humidifier in my house. I was also wondering as I have been told different things on this.....is whether this tree would survive our winters. We plan to plant a tree by my son's grave, but originally told that it would not survive our winters......now I have heard that it will....need some very good advice. I don't want to lose this tree as it means a great sentimental value. I also read that I need to get a fertilizer with 10-60-10 and feed it with every watering.....is this fertilizer good for other house plants (peace lily, ivy, etc) also or just use it for Jasmine Tree. I don't really want to just move it outdoors of my house as I do not have a fenced yard and there are many stray dogs.....needless to say they would urinate on it.

    Please help if you can.
  13. Hi There... Hey PG, I used to work for those certain " brown pot retailers", and can tell you from experience the leaf dropping problem is due to "SHOCK". Think about it, be that plant on it's truck ride to your area store. Can you say TRAUMA! Place your "Jazzy" in a well lit window and keep an even watering. Any time you move a plant from inside/outside expect shock to happen. Don't worry Jasmine lovers she'll come back, give her some time she'll be "smiling" at you again real soon.

    Pozi Pusher
    Nedrow, N.Y.

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