I have a Japanese Maple about 5 years old and we just noticed that the leaves are turning brown and dying. It has been dry, but I have watered it fairly regularly. I have attached pictures to this post and would like to know if anyone can tell me if this is sunburn or is this a fungus? The tree does get full afternoon sun. My next door neighbor has a japanese maple that is much older and larger planted about 40-50 feet from my tree and it does not seem to be having this problem. It also gets a lot more shade.Thank you for your help and advice.
I'm in Central Illinois and I'll throw my two cents in. I have some in containers that look exactly like that too. We have had a lot of heat this summer. How do the stems look? Are they still green and alive? I don't have any in the ground that are doing that, but my area is shady and they are all in dappled light or else receive very little hot sun. Kay Dye
There is a disease that they can get. Are the crispiest leaves on the same stem or branch? Does not really look like sunburn. Try shoving a sharpened stick or pencil about 8" into the root zone and pull it out to see if your soil is dry, wet or too saturated.