Hello to all. Whilst surfin' the net I found a picture of a little critter they call the Japanese Maple Leafhopper 'Japananus hyalinus (Osborn)'. What does this little critter do to the maples? Are they like aphids? What do you recommend as a preventative measure against this critter? And what do you recommend for the eradication of an infestation? Thanks in advance
I have not heard of a Japanese Maple Leafhopper but around this time of the year here I have been seeing some leaf hoppers around they are a nuisance especially for distorting rose blooms before they open. I had one on my maple munching on the new leaf, days later I am seeing some tiny insects (baby form??) and that is when I bring out the "Safer" brand insect soap. It is such a mild spray, a direct hit won't even kill a hopper. It seemed to take care of the infestation though. If you want organic control it seems preying mantis will take happily eat hoppers. From what I have seen, the hoppers doesn't seem to want to bother healthy maples and roses. It's usually plants that are stressed that attract the aphids and hoppers and leaf cutter bees