I have recently planted a "Bloodgood Maple" however my leaves seem to be turning yellow in the center, and spreading outwards.. Any advice would be greatly appreciated: Note I do live in Kansas, it's very humid and hot, I have been very good about watering and feeing it all purpous Miracle Grow... Thanks: LZ
Actually you might also want to knock off being so good about watering. Maples like to get a bit dry between waterings, and yellow leaves often means they're staying wet too long - what's your soil mix like? Gritty and fast draining is good, peaty and clay-ey aren't.
Rima, my soil is gritty and fast draining. We did a major landscape project and replaced all our old clay-ey soil with good quality dirt with amendmants where are major plantings would be.. It was quite a significant amount we dug at least 4 feet around and extra deep to assure healthy root structure and a great growing platform.. I will certainly cut down on the watering..I will admit my Husband has a tendancy to over-water.. I have basically zero scaped my backyard, with mostly native & drought hardy plants.. A few intresting ones like the maple & a few tropical plumeria trees get an extra dose of care.. Thanks .. LZ Thanks much
In talking with grower before starting with the Japanese Maples to gain insight. The person was very specific with regard to Miracle Grow and not to use it, much in the same thought that have been mentioned. He did recommened Neptunes Harvest, really bad smell, but the maples seem to like it. I have been growing one in my living room now for over 2 month, the stuff works! Depending on your local water, one other consideration is water quality. Try mixing 1 tablespoon of white vinegar to one gallon of water.
Hello majohnson - are you growing a maple in your living room? If so, I'm afraid it is going to die on you. Better move it outside. All best. Schusch
Constant moisture for Japanese maples, no significant dry periods or flooding. Not dry, not wet, just moist. Fertilizer that will work well is one tailored to existing mineral content of soil or medium in each particular situation. Sampling and testing soil is common method used to get an idea of what is appropriate.