We have some very mature (50 yrs +) jade plants that have been having trouble since last year. The leaves are developing small tan coloured blisters and the older leaves are turning yellow, shrivelling up and dropping off of the plant. We can't determine if it's some kind of mite (perhaps cyclamen mite) or oedema? So far, we can't actually SEE any mites, even under a magnifying glass. Someone suggested that they may actually be inside the fleshy leaves. Any thoughts?
doesn't sound like a bug issue to me. seeing some pics would be helpful if you can take a couple :) they may need to be repotted - not necessarily into a larger container, just a matter of refreshing the soil medium. it does get old and used up after a few years. if there have been any changes to the plants location that may be why there is an issue - if you've moved it to a spot where it's directly in front of the heater vent and you've got extra humidity added to the heater system, you could be dealing with a rot issue.