Jade turning Red! looks unhappy

Discussion in 'Cacti and Succulents' started by OstaraGypsy, May 23, 2006.

  1. OstaraGypsy

    OstaraGypsy Active Member

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    McKinleyville, CA, U.S.A.
    Please see attached picture. why is my jade unhappy do you think? it's been in this pot for about 3 years, started as a little cutting in a big pot. its always been outside, even in the winter (coastal northern california) and has always been fine. until the past couple months it has been dropping leaves and turing reddish-yellow.

    is it too wet? is it too cold? should i bring inside? there is a thick coating of reddish green moss covering all the dirt. could that be a problem? i have another jade (a cutting from the same "mother jade"), same age, same size pot, same location, however it is as green as can be, with just a hint of red on the tips of the leaves.

    what do you think?
    Thank You! i can't wait to get my plant healthy again!

    Attached Files:

  2. Junglekeeper

    Junglekeeper Esteemed Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver BC Canada
    If you had just shown me the photo without any text I would have said "nice looking jade". I would have assumed the look is the result of exposure to sun. It will be interesting to see what responses you get.
  3. OstaraGypsy

    OstaraGypsy Active Member

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    McKinleyville, CA, U.S.A.
    ha! that's funny! because when i posted the picture, i thought to myself, "well hey, it doesn't look that bad"

    but actually it is loosing leaves (getting red around the edges, then turning brown and falling). and it is in a part shade location because i thought it might be the harsh sunlight causing distress, but no improvement over the last month or two in a more shady place. .

    i will be happy to hear what others think as well!
    Thank you for complementing my jade, i will let her know you think she's nice looking (maybe that's all she needs....)
  4. globalist1789

    globalist1789 Active Member

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    It is a VERY nice looking Jade. The red is a result of being in the sun, and is normal. If you really think there is a problem then let the soil dry out more. That dandilion looks a little too happy, and if you have anything growing on the surface the soil might be too wet. I think it is a long way from dying though! lol! Have you ever fed it? Try watering it with 1/2 strength once every couple months during from late spring to early fall... couldn't hurt.

    Keep us posted
  5. Chester

    Chester Active Member 10 Years

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    I think the jade looks pretty good, although too wet may be a problem if it's dropping tons of leaves. Mine tends to drop a lot of leaves in the fall and again in the spring. Older leaves that is, and looks quite a bit like yours. Jades will turn lighter and reddish in response to more sunlight, and that isn't a bad thing. If you want it darker green, put it in a shadier spot.
  6. Daremyster

    Daremyster New Member

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    Put your beautiful jade back into the sunshine, pull all the red lichen out of the pot ( it is causing the soil to stay too wet for the jade) pull that dandelion( use the leaves for salad) maybe try exchanging places with the other jade, sometimes plants just need a bit of change.

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