HELP I need some help and advise about a Jade plant I've had for over 25 years. For some reason it has never had some branchs so has never grown like a tree...and many of the branchs are weak and hang down. First, is there a way to get them to grown the way a tree should now?? Second leaves are starting to fall off the bottom branches ..that are weak...should I clip them off and will this help fill in the tree more toward the center of the pot. About 4 years ago I had a profession re-plant it for me and he said it will never need a different pot. Hope all this is clear. The plant means a lot to me and I don't want to lose any advise or help will be apprecaited THANKs Lynda
You haven't said anything about where it lives or how often you water, etc, but it's a succulent (almost-a-cactus) and needs the brightest light you have all day, plus water only when most of the soil in the pot is dry, more often in summer compared to winter when you can leave it for up to 2 months without watering. I also wonder what kind of soil the 'professional' put it in... if it's full of peat, it's going to hold water much too long. Also, it should never sit in a saucer of drain water, because that can rot the roots.
In terms of clipping a jade my rule is simple: if it is growing downwards it comes off. They branch off every which way, so if you want a tree you need to help it. And it is normal for lower leaves to fall off in time. So long as it is not all the leaves very quickly you should be fine. Michael
Hi Michael I do have a couple of very tall branches but most are hanging over. So if I cut them off I should be able to get the tree to grown up like a tree??? I've always been afraid of killing the whole thing if I take off branches. And right now many leaves are falling I have stopped getting the plant water for the next few weeks. This plant is very important to me so any help I'm getting is much appreciated Thank you Lynda
I believe it is natural for Jades to lose leaves at certain times. I may have read this on another forum, I will see if I can find it again.
I have had two "jade tree" plants. One, many years ago, and it grew similar to yours. My grandfather took it off my hands, took some cuttings, and in about 10 years had this fat, compact, bushy tree. His secret. Lots of light and pinching off new growth as every 2nd set of leaves forms on new branches. Generally, this is how most plants achieve this compact growth pattern. I've basically been doing this with my bonsai trees. My latest jade tree is currently outdoors and gets pruned regularly being that it is in it's active growing season. Low light will make the branches long, rather weak, and with few leaves. If you can place it outdoors, even on the North side of the house, it will get far more light than indoors. A granular "houseplant" insecticide sprinkled in the soil will repell any little critters from getting into the pot and showing up in your house in the Fall.
My jade tree is outside right now. I've put it outside for several years. It loses leaves at this time of year as I am actively watering it. It's growing quite rapidly (for a jade), and it seems as though the plant can only sustain so many leaves at once. I'm wondering if that has something to do with coming from South Africa? At least I think I read that is where they are from anyway. Also the leaves that are falling off are the oldest ones as well. I guess what I am trying to say is that I believe this to be quite normal if your jade is losing some leaves right now. As I have been through this before, I don't stop watering it until August/Sept, and then slow down gradually.
For everyone who has responed to me message thank you. I recently moved to a house where the only place to put the tree for now is a north window...but it's a big one and the plant does get it's a bay window so even gets a little sun early and late afternoon. I think I'll take the suggestion and put it outside for the summer and trim the branches off that are hanging does have 4 brances in the pot with tall growth but they are leaning hopefully I get them to start to grow straight. One last thing the leaves falling off are not old ones but very green and big...that is how I knew was in trouble ... I do apprecate all the advise. I'm very nervous about trimming the tree so please keep your fingers crossed I don't lose the is very special to me. Lynda
Trim back all the leggy stuff. Put 'er outside in a dappled shady spot. Fertilize with a low N fertilizer (water the plant first), and what will be will be. Pruning is necessary and often very rejuvenating for many plants, including Jades. If it is looking sickly and spindly from lack of light, best to prune that off. A holiday outside will produce new, and stronger growth. Don't be afraid :)
Chester, Thank you....but I diecided to take my tree to a professional...and they did just what you advised. Lost a lot of the branches but it looks much heathier now. I live in Wisconisn and now have it outside in a south exposure...with no direct sun. The garden place said it should do great where I have it...and it should be like a new plant. Thanks for taking the time to help Lynda