I live in Montana and have an older jade houseplant. I noticed today that one of the 2-inch thick stems was completely rotted. When I pulled it off, it was infested with these little worms. There are a few black gnats flying around, but not many. And I also see a few very small white bugs that do not fly (mites?). I've attached a photo of the worms. There were seemingly hundreds of them living in this stem and they had composted the entire 2-inch thick (8-inch tall) stem. Any suggestions for how to get rid of them, or what they are?
Cut back all areas affected with this problem, and the scar should heal quickly, spray for flying parasites, but do not water the plant, and check the soil and possible repot looking for more signs of rot below and more infestation…
K Baron, This photo is AMAZING. And here I thought my jade plant was in a decent shape... But it's leggy and leaning over, and I haven't even dreamt of seeing it bloom. How did you do it??
To achieve bloom, place your pottted Crassulas out of doors during the spring to fall season, when temps are above frezzing… full sun can be obtained after a few weeks of hardening, otherwise sun scald is imminent to the leaves and this is unsightly and not beneficial to the plant. the pix is of a 28 year old specimen 1.7 metres tall. now in of doors for our wet maritime climate, and free of danger from any frost.
K Baron I love your Crassula! Such a beauty! I have one question regarding your advice to spraying for flying parasites; I have two pots of bulb flower mixes next to my baby crassula and I have noticed tiny flies in these two pots, I don't know how to get rid of them from these pots and also I am horrified of the idea that they may transfere into my crassula pot too... can you help me with an advice please how to get rid of these flies?! what do you spray the crassula with and do you have any idea about what I can spray my bulb floweres with ? here's the photo of my flower shelves :) thanks in advance :)
As mentioned, no chemicals really needed… but I would leave it out of doors in a frost free environment? Or spray with isopropyl alcohol/water blend to the soil not the foliage...