Jade Plant losing leaves

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by Unregistered, Oct 1, 2004.

  1. My Jade Plant is approximately 5 years old. Over the last 2 months, it has been losing at least 10-20 leaves per week. However, there is still lots of new growth on the plant. The leaves that are falling off have a blackened edge to them. Some have black spots on them (almost burnt looking). Can anyone give me info on what I'm doing wrong?
  2. HortLine

    HortLine Active Member 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC
    Jade Plant

    It would be helpful to know more about the conditions of your plant prior to the leaf drop. How much water was it receiving? (Did you go away and have someone else care for it who perhaps gave the plant too much water?) Blackened leaves can indicate root damage from overwatering. However, if leaves were shriveling before dropping with some browning occurring the problem could be underwatering. The fact that the plant has new growth is encouraging. In order to be healthy a Jade plant needs repotting every other year in springtime, so you could do that in March. Remember too that this plant requires lots of bright direct light for optimal health.
  3. jade plant

    leaves are shrivelling before dropping. i know jades don't like a lot of water once the weather cools down. and, it was repotted in early august.
  4. K Baron

    K Baron Well-Known Member

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    North Vancouver, B.C., Canada
    Is your plant currently dead or alive ...?

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