I have seen pictures of jades with red all around the edges of the leaves. I personally do not like this look but have read that if you summer the plant outdoors it will develop this no matter what. Is this true? If it is, then will the red fade when moved to lower light? thanks
It will indeed develop red margins in more intense light and/or heat. The color will not fade if conditions change, but new growth will most likely emerge solid green again.
If the plant was kept in a shaded area except morning sun until 10:00 am or so do you think that it would get the red margins? thanks for the help
Most likely not if it's in part shade. They tend to turn reddish when in bright sun and when soils are dry for extended periods of time. Grown in partial shade (may need a little more sunlight then you described) and with adequate moisture, the plants should take on the more solid green leaf appearance.
The red margins to the leaf seems easy to get with relatively little sun so you might get that either way. However, I just saw my Aunt's Jades which are almost entirely red (very very little water and bright/full sun but that's indoors). In her case the plants ares so water deprived that the small leaf jade is almost growing as a vine =/. As above posters have said, it must also be in relation to how much moisture that the plant recieves. Amazingly though.... her jade flowers (it must get the right light ratios and lowered temp) Good luck, Ryan
thank you all very much. Now I can rest easy while I am getting ready to send my jade outside for it's summer vacation.