I have bough Ixia corms (bulbs? whatever) three times. Twice I planted them in my garden. Nothing ever emerged from the soil. There was never any sign that I had planted anything there. Once I planted them in a large pot with some lilies and a daylily. The lilies are blooming today. The daylily is growing well although not blooming yet. But the ixia... they are about 1 foot high and look healthy but there is no indication that any bud will ever appear. And some of the leaves are turning black at the tips which tells me that they plants are reaching the end of this year's life span. This has happened for about three years now. Never any blooms. Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong?
It appeared out of nowhere but in the same pot as the Ixia and Lily and Daylily. It does not however look like the ixia which are much thick and shorter stems with leaves and (alas) no blooms; it has a long thin stem with a bloom but no leaves. .
I will tell you with precision tomorrow but basically they are partly (but only partly) screened by the branches of an apple tree most of the day until about 3 pm. and then shaded by a building for the rest of the day.
I never had any luck with them either, same for tuberose. I tried planting them several times. A quick look at Ixia accessions in the Garden's records, shows short duration, none present now.
I dug up a few of them today. The "soil" in the pot seems to be entirely composed of the roots of the daylily that is in it so perhaps that is the problem. Anyway, here is what I dug up (the boards are about 4" wide):