On some of the fruit, I've found one or more insects. They seem to be just the remains of a molt. However, this shell is firmly affixed to the plum as if the proboscis is still imbedded. It is a mottled brown and orange colour and the abdomen seems to be very segmented with two tails? appendages? Does anyone have any idea what this is and can I eat the fruit? How do I control this insect or whatever it is?
Johnny does it look like this http://images.google.com/images?hl=...st=1&resnum=0&q=ladybug+pupa&um=1&sa=N&tab=wi if so its a good guy as they will eat their weight in aphids in you garden. you wnat to encourage these to stay. if the shell is opened and there is nothing inside then just brush it off and eat the plum. It will not harm you. anyway it's all protein and roughage anyway!! if its not this them a photograph will do wonders for the identification
That's exactly what they look like. Thank you very much, that's a big help. I can cope with Ladybugs. Now i can happily eat the rest of the crop.