I just bought a sad little plant labelled Setcreasea pallida for $2 at Walmart. It's sitting in terribly wet soil, and I want to get it out of there as soon as possible. However, when I just went to repot, I saw that some of the main roots look a coppery brown color. Could this be root rot, or is this normal? If it is root rot, what do I do? Should I trim off darker-colored roots? Or should I stick to my initial plan of getting rid of as much soil as I can and then repotting into something quick draining? Help! (Apparently I held the camera upside down for some reason, haha!
If the dark colored roots feel real slimy and soft, it's rot, if they feel firm, they are ok. Could be the color is from fertilizing where it came from. The root-ball looks pretty healthy otherwise. Personally, I wouldn't re-pot unless the soil does not drain well, or is peat.
Thanks, Bluewing! =) The plant was in a really crappy 3.5" plastic pot, so I repotted into 4" terracotta. I really wanted some of the soil replaced, especially the top, some of which was green from overwatering. Yuck!