Hey everyone- appreciate your help in advance with this problem... I am a plant idiot. I know barely anything about keeping them alive. But I want to save this plan if I can. I've noticed that the arms of this plant turn to a woodish texture as it grows. This process recently stopped as the middle part of the two protruding arms turned almost black in colour. Hopefully the images can let you see what I'm talking about. I don't remember the arms getting that black before turning into a wood-like texture... so this concerns me. The really scary part is that the plant feels really mushy where its turned black. Its as if I could puncture the plant with a needle and goo would rush out. This does not feel healthy to say the least. However, the top of the plant is still growing and looks rather healthy, so I'm unsure whether this is an expected process in the 'woodification' or whether this plant is dying and I need to chop off the ends and re-plant them before the black spots eventually engulf the whole plant. What do you think? What can I do to keep this guy alive? Cheers
I wish you had a shot of the top/leaves. Looks like maybe a Dracaena that's been over-watered and is now rotting. If the top part of the stem is green and solid, not soft, you'll need to take tip cuttings. Cut above the black on the stem, back up into the healthy tissue and pot them up in good draining soil. With any luck, the cutting, or cuttings will root. Use a small pot. If it is a Draceana, let the soil dry between waterings. They also like indirect light.
you can also stick the stalk in a jar of water .. i have a variegated Drac and i had to cut it off . i stuck it in water and it rooted .. but my jar i have for plants was allready started with algea and it is green ... it sits on my window sill and my plants love it .. plants root better in aged water .. then in fresh water .. you can jump start it by adding a lil plant food to the water .. and let it sit on a window sill while you are rooting the plant .. Marn