I was cultivating a grape branch. It had roots but it had one stem with leaves. Unfortunately, I planted it in the ground. The other day, I saw that the little stem with the leaves were bent and brown. Something must have bent it. Anyway, the leaves fell off. I don't see any buds. Do you think its dead? I'll try to leave it in the ground in the hopes that it will live.
Maybe it's not dead. Every bud is actually a group of 3 buds and normally only the primary will produce a shoot. If you keep tending it the secondary and tertiary may have a go and Voila! - you're back in business. You should know within a few weeks. Ralph
Hello Ralph You mentioned "Every bud is actually a group of 3 buds ". Is this applicable to other plants as well (such as figs) or specific only to grapes?
That is specific to grapes. There may be similar structures in other plants; perhaps someone else can illuminate our discussion. Ralph