Hello there, I am attempting to nurse back to health a phalaenopsis and am wondering if I am fighting crown rot? It was a gift from a grocery store, totally over watered and evidence of root rot, and one leaf turning yellow when I received it. I took a chance and repotted in orchid bark despite being in bloom, cut away as many rotten roots as I could see, and cut away the yellow leaf. Since then one of the flower spikes did die (the one thats origin was on the same side as the yellow leaf) and i cut it away. The other spike seams healthy still...flowers still good, and the tip of the spike is still slowly growing. However, i am concerned as at the base of the plant were the leaf and flower spike were cut away things are looking bad and I am suspecting crown rot. Any thoughts and advice would be awesome!
I don't think it's crown rot (it isn't affecting the new growing leaf). It doesn't look very nice but I think you might be able to salvage it. I would try powdered cinnamon on the affected area (helps keep dry and is purported to have antibacterial properties), I've also heard of cleaning infected areas with listerine or even applying Polysporin (antibiotic). As long as the centre of the plant isn't affected and this necrotic area doesn't spread new roots and leaves will out grow the damaged area. Keep the plant warm, in good light, roots slightly moist and don't get any water in the leaf axils until it has recovered. Good luck Shaun