Is there any way to save these?

Discussion in 'Woody Plants' started by keith from cork, Sep 15, 2008.

  1. keith from cork

    keith from cork Member

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    About six weeks ago I planted about 20 Aucuba japonica'Golden King'-spotted Laurels.The above seasonal rainfall in Ireland seems to have taken its toll and 8 of these plants are wilting-maybe root rot?I say root rot as when I took one out of the ground the roots were going black and also had a "mushroom" smell from them.
    I searched this through google and it was suggested that I dip the roots in a mild bleach / water solution and replant them.There was no ratio of water to bleach given so I did not do this.
    If anyone can help with this -it would be very much appreciated.
    Its not the financial side of these plants but I hate seeing any of my plants die.
    thank you if you can help -if not thank you for taking the time to read the thread.

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