Is my yucca ok? See pictures

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by ice200, Nov 13, 2008.

  1. ice200

    ice200 Member

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    Edinburgh, UK
    Hi everyone,

    Recently I've been having problems with my yucca. For the last month my yucca was slightly over-watered (one piece of it became yellow - image 1) so I've deceided to repot it. I forgot to mention that I've also moved recently but the plant has very similar conditions compared with previous flat. It's indoors by the way.
    After repoting it the over-watered part seems to be recovering but on the rest of plant during the last 5 days yellow-ish and brown-ish (image 2 and 3) leaves appeared.
    I don't know if it's important but for the first couple of days in new flat my yucca during evening was in corner in which colour changing LED bulb was illuminating it. Here is the link what kind of colours LED bulb uses: MOVIE PAGE.htm

    Do you think there's something wrong with my plant. It looks slightly worrying.

    Thanks for help.

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  2. Loulou

    Loulou Member

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    ARe you sure it is a yucca?
  3. Chungii V

    Chungii V Active Member

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    Hervey Bay Australia zone 10/11
    It's Yucca elephantipes these guys get HUGE. What's the trunk doing is it soft at the base at all? I used to propagate these in large quantities and found the biggest problem was rotting of the trunk from over-watering before roots had fully developed. The plant can look okay for a long time then suddenly turn. Check the trunk if it's soft and squishy you will need to take back the trunk say cm/5 inches at a time until you hit fresh trunk without rot replant the top and reduce watering until a somewhat decent root ball has developed. This is the most common problem with these plants I doubt LEDs would have such a detrimental effect on this particular plant. We found that they did better back in a shadier spot than in full sun.
    The worst I saw was a $2,500, 3 trunked, 12 foot high specimen with a foot of pebble around it's base. The pebble cooked the trunk and after the owners trying to water it more because "it wasn't looking too good" the whole base rotted. Sadly the plant died but the 3 trunks are now still growing in bags 8 foot + cuttings the biggest cuttings I've ever taken.....
  4. ice200

    ice200 Member

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    Edinburgh, UK
    Hi Chungii V,

    Thanks for your advice. I checked the base and there was only tiny bit which was soft. The whole trunk looks ok but I took back the outer part of trunk any way.
    I forgot to mention it last time but after over-watering I haven't watered yucca for quite a wile (one month) because the soil was constantly wet. While not watering wasn't helping I've decided to replant it. Then all the problems with the biggest trunk started.
  5. lorax

    lorax Rising Contributor 10 Years

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    Toronto, Ontario
    It looks just like the Yuccas here do after 3 or 4 days of torrential rains - ie half-drowned. Does that pot it's in have good drainage, or is it a closed bottom? It also seems (from your pics anyhow) that it's in an awfully tiny pot - it's going to develop a massive 'foot' at the bottom of its main stem, and it is going to want more room than that to do it in.
  6. Chungii V

    Chungii V Active Member

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    Hervey Bay Australia zone 10/11
    Peel away a tiny piece of bark arond the soft area and check to be sure there's healthy white 'flesh' in the trunk at that spot. If you see brown or discolouring then you definitely have rot and need to remove it as soon as possible. They do like water but only when they're using it... i.e plenty in summer but as with most plants need excellent drainage. I think you may have slightly shocked it by holding off with the water for that long but shouldn't really have done any major damage. Allow the mix to dry slightly, not totally between waterings and keep a little drier through winter.

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