Hello, I am wondering if my tangerine tree is growing properly. It is a little over 5 years old, has 13 leaves, is 10 inches tall and 1/8 of an inch wide at the base. Two of the lower leaves have fallen off in the past year and a half because the leaves above it blocked them from recieving any light. I water it twice a week and keep it indoors all year round. I am wondering how many nodes my tangerine tree needs before it will bear fruit. Also, I am wondering how to train it to be outdoors in the summer. I would also be interested to know the ideal conditions to keep it healthy and how fast it should be growing.
A 5 year old Mandarin tree should be about 10 - 12 feet tall. At the rate your tree is growing it will be many many years before you see any fruit if at all. Mandarin from seed should start fruiting at about 5 - 7 years.
That is very small for a tree that is 5 yrs old. I am sure low light has contributed to the slow growth, but how have you fertilized it? As for outdoor exposure, you can move it outdoors whenever freezing temps are not expected. The main considerations are sunburn and cold roots during exposure to direct sun. Sunburn is a potential problem when the tree has not been gradually adapted to direct sun--just like people. Cold roots (below 65F) mean the tree should not be exposed to direct sunlight, but filtered light is OK--I use a shade cloth that allows about 50% light.
Hello, If it supposed to be so much taller than it is, might it not be a tangerine tree? or possibly a dwarf tangerine? I planted the seed from a tangerine I ate. I did not dry the seed or anything, I simply ate the tangerine and instead of throwing the seeds out i decided to plant them. Four trees originally appeared and i killed two off to allow the others room. After about 6 months, i killed the third one off because it was shorter and I thought I only wanted one. It was planted in a 4 inch pot in potting soil. I transplanted it into a 6 inch pot about 3 months ago. I have never fertilized my tree and used to only water it twice every three weeks. Is there a certain kind of fertilizer I should use? I used to have a desktop light which I would grow it under. Once it grew close enough to the light it got sunburnt and I no longer used the light. Since then I have put it outside for one hour every sunny day I was able to. Is there a specific type of light I should use to help it grow? where could I obtain such light? Thankyou for your responces, I sincerely appreciate it.
Leaving your tree in a 4 inch pot for 5 years, never giving your tree any nutrition, and watering once every week and a half, are the reasons that this poor little tree is in the condition it is now in. The best advice I can give you is to spend several hours reading through the posts on this forum concerning the proper care of citrus trees. You will learn a wealth of information, and your tree will greatly benefit. Knowledge is power. - Millet