Is my royal empress paulownia dead?

Discussion in 'Woody Plants' started by farrissophie, Nov 25, 2008.

  1. farrissophie

    farrissophie Member

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    Pocono summit, us
    I bought a baby paulownia seedling from the internet back in september, the lady that I bought it from, told me to plant it in a pot and bring it in, so I did that, it wasn't growing at all in the house, so I took and planted it outside, I had it planted outside at first, but the deer ate all of the leaves off of it. So now I planted it in the middle of November, and the whole tree turned brown, I said maybe its dead, but than I dug my fingernail into the bark, and pulled a piece off, underneath the bark, it was green, so do you think it will be alright? And how do I get the leaves to grow back again? And also, does Paulownia Tomentoso normally turn brown during the winter? Please let me know.

    P.s. I included two pictures of what it used to look like before the deer ate the leaves, and made it into a stick. In one picture there is burlap wrapped around it.

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  2. Eric La Fountaine

    Eric La Fountaine Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    sw USA
    Paulownia tomentosa is a deciduous tree, so yes the leaves would turn brown in winter. It is a large fast growing tree. I don't think it would grow well indoors. It probably should have been planted directly in the ground when you received it and left to grow there. I would probably mulch the tree for winter and hope it comes back in the spring. They can be invasive in the Southeast. I don't know how they do in your area, Pennsylvania, right? Have you seen others in the neighborhood?

    Oh, and I guess you need to provide protection from deer as well.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2010
  3. farrissophie

    farrissophie Member

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    Pocono summit, us
    I have never seen any in this are, so Im hoping it will grow well here, I know I put it into the ground at first, but when they ate it, I didn't know what to do, do you think the trunk should be brown to? I know it was green a couple of days ago in the house, but these type of trees I heard cant be killed, so maybe it will make it to next spring.
    But this is the first time I saw a brown trunk on it.

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