Is my Lemon Tree dead?

Discussion in 'Citrus' started by steillon, Feb 11, 2009.

  1. steillon

    steillon Member

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    San Francisco, CA USA
    I bought a Dwarf Meyer Lemon tree in October and planted it in my back yard in Bernal Heights, an area of San Francisco that has clay soil. I learned that clay soil holds water so I was very careful not to over water it. I am sad to report that over the past three weeks the tree has lost all it's leaves. It was doing really well until our rainy winter season started, but I can not control the weather or amount of rain it gets. I am at a loss as to what I should do. Is it hopeless or is there something I can do to save it? I gave it some fruit tree fertilizer back at the end of December. Could that also have caused it to get stressed?
  2. K Baron

    K Baron Well-Known Member

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    North Vancouver, B.C., Canada
    I would pot it immediately, in attempt to resuscitate it's drowned root system, and allow the tree to recover.

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