Hi all, I live in Langley BC, and am wonder if anyone else in my area is planting peas. The seed package says that they can be planted as soon as the ground can be worked. In my raised bed, only the top few inches of soil are frozen. Is this doable, or am I a little over eager?
Wait until mid to late February, a nasty frost could destroy the seedings... unless of course you have them protected in a cold frame.... if the temps drop to minus 5-7c it could be risky...
Still a little early. My Mom used to plant her Peas in February, when they lived on Saturna Island, which is one of the Gulf Islands. The temperatures there are a little warmer than Langley. I would wait awhile, especially with the weather that your have been having this winter. If you have peas to waste, why not plant a few. The worst that will happen is that they won't sprout and you will just have to plant some more. :)
I usually try to plant peas mid February. 3 years out of 4 this works, and I get peas pretty early. Some years though, it is too cold and wet, and I have to replant in march.
Thank you for your comments, I'm looking out the window this morning at some pretty heavy frost, so waiting til Febuary seems reasonable. Thanks again, Angel
I think you also have to be careful not to plant peas in soggy wet soil. I think it's still a few weeks too early. Maybe wait about 3 weeks or the end of February.
That's a good point about soggy soil. When my Mom planted them in February, they were in a raised bed, which was well drained. :) I have a least 3 months to wait before I can even think about planting peas. :( It makes me wish that I live back in Burnaby.
I know you received your answer, but I'm just a little curious as to how you planned to sow seeds if the top few inches of the soil were frozen?