Since it's shaping up to be an Ipomoea festival this week, here's another one; I. pes-caprae is specifically adapted to beachfronts, and routinely tries to take over beaches in Ecuador. I have larger images if this gets picked.
I'm not familiar with the plant, but like the simplicity of the flower and leaves. Are the leaves usually spaced apart at nodes in pairs? Is this a vine or shrub?
It's a trailing vine, and yes, the leaves are always spaced at nodes in pairs, just like you see there. It eventually forms a thick mat on the sand just above the high-tide line, and tends to grow over itself. If the vine breaks, it re-roots at the broken point and keeps on going. The other thing I would note, since there's no point of scale in that picture, is that the flower is about 6 inches long; this is the biggest Ipomoea I've ever seen.