Hello, My hedge maple tree is infested with these black insects on the under side of leaves , especially the leaves at the tip of each branch. Some of these insects have long clear wings while others don't. In some instances, the leaves are curled up with gluey substance, likely released by these nasty creatures. When I uncurled these leaves, I see more black insects, eggs and in one instance long green larvae. Some shiny spots on the leaves as well. Can anyone please help me identify and control these bugs??
You may try moving this to the pest management area of the forums? I have no idea what it could be, but I'd love to see a picture, if you can get one.
I might have the same critters on my tree. it's a maple and it's green - don't know the type. - it is young - recently transplanted and likely traumatized. - I live in Nelson, BC - it is june 25. - there are black spots on almost all of the leaves now, looking from below. individual leaves are also getting folded and stuck together randomly by a web-like material. if anyone can tell me how to deal with the parasites, please email me: placostomas@hotmail.com thanks, Hans.
I have noticed that those black bugs (likely aphids) are gone. They didn't do much harm to the tree. najeeb