Hi, I have several lemon and orange trees that I have kept alive over the past several years. These plants were grown in BC, indoors and put outdoors during the hot period of the summer. Within the last year all the plants have been re-potted. The smaller orange trees are naval orange and are about 3 years old. The larger lemon trees are about 6-8 years old and about 4' tall. However the all trees appear to be invaded by very very small insects. (They are very hard too see, even by the eye) They appear "inside" a cacoon or spiderweb that wraps around the leaves. At first I thought it was just the dust because this is an old house, however by observing closly there are very very small "moving" white insects that almost seem like catapillers. Over the past couple of months (during the winter season now) the problem has become worse where its spread to all the plants and now the leaves are starting to "whither" within the spiderwebs/cacoons. These insects' web almost looks identical to what you would see with a tent catapiller infestation. Except these guys are much, much smaller and very very hard to see. (I have 20-17 Vision) In either case though I have tried to use an insecticide that I had around the house. (Called Sevin XLR or Sevin dust I am not sure, it's a powder.) In either case though it doesn't appear to have any effect on the insects, besides making a mess around the floor and making the webs really stand out. I would really, really appreciate any help that any of you can give me. I am a UBC Alumni, and I know you guys are awesome! -in the picture the white dust is actually the insecticide I tried to use. However you really can see the webs. I will dust off the plants once I get rid of these insects. I only found out after how much of a hazard Sevin is which contains Carbaryl.
How have you let this infestation get to this state of affairs? You need to check on your tree at least once a week. What your tree is infested with is an insect called Spider Mites. The very first thing you need to do is take the tree to your sink and spray the tree down with your sink sprayer. Spray the upper and lower leaf surfaces as well as the trunk and branches. If you don't have a sprayer on you sink, take the tree to the shower. Then follow up with a spray program using either a horticultural oil (Ultra Fine) or a soapy water spray. Use the search function on this forum and insert the words "spider mites", "Ultra Fine", or "soap' and you will find a lot of information on how to control this insect. - Good look to this poor tree. - Millet