Appreciation: info re: Dipogon lignosus / Dolichos lignosus

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by jamieei, Feb 18, 2012.

  1. jamieei

    jamieei Member

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    Los Angeles, CA USA
    I've found this vine in Los Angeles CA

    Apparently it is invasive in Australia and New Zealand but it doesn't seem to be so here. Was growing in an unmaintained, no water, garden for about a year. The prior owner had lived there for ~70+ years and had lots perennial edibles. Over the past year it has stayed on the property line fence and grows only on thing immediately next to the fence. It doesn't seem to be an invasive reseeder. ex. Artichoke, Nasturtium, and Calendula have volunteered in a vacant lot next door but not this plant.

    Most the literature says the plant is edible and I've found literature that says the leaf extract has the isoflavone Genistein. Have not found anything more specific than the pods are similar to snap beans.

    Would like more info on the edibility of this plant and if the dried seeds are poisonous like the Dolichos lablab / Lablab pupureus

    Attached is photo of the plant in case I've misidentified it.

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