I have a friend who put in extensive pyramid cedar hedging on their acreage in Abbotsford early this year. I saw last eve that there is a 'webby' thing happening on almost all of the cedars, particularly at the base. I see also a few old cedars with the same thing happening. Does anyone have any ideas as to what it may be?...and / or how to combat / eliminate it? Thank you in advance!!! Barbara
Maybe bagworms? Might be worth doing a search for insects with Cedrus for a foodplant; try here: http://www.brc.ac.uk/dbif/sourcesresults.aspx?sourceid=10232
Thank you Michael for your response. When I checked the site on bag worms that you sent, it did not show the web formation that I see on these cedars. Do you think that our dry conditions is a factor? The bagworm seems to love the eastern part of the country also....sothen...not so sure... Thank you again Michael for your speedy response. Barbara