Over the past few months, some of the leaves on my indoor yucca plant have developed these dry looking spots. I initially noticed them on the older leaves near the bottom of the crown. Unfortunately, I am now noticing tiny spots starting on some of the newer foliage. Additionally, many of the leaves have been developing crusty brown tips. There is no yellow halo though. Most recently, a few brown circles have developed on the edges of the leaves. I haven't changed the watering schedule, and the plant receives adequate light. I've had this plant for just over two years. Could this be a fungus? How should I treat this?
Hello, welcome to the forum. May I ask couple questions about your plant? Is that window shade normally closed at that level? These like full outdoor sun, and really need for there to be no part of any shade blocking light during daylight as a minimum. Low light, as shown in your photos, can lead to lack of normal resistance to all sorts of problems that can appear like overwatering, underwatering, bacterial infections, etc. If you are able to increase the light, do it gradually so the plant doesn't get a sunburn. Also, what type of soil and pot do you have it in? Does the pot have drainage holes? How often do you water? Thanks!
Hi! Thank you for replying. On hot days, the blinds are sometimes closed like in the image. Up until three months ago, I had the plant in my office at my place of work. It was located next to a tall window that received full sun. It was really thriving then. Since I brought it home, it has been experiencing the problems I mentioned. I always thought it receives enough light, but maybe it doesn’t. I water the plant about once every ten days. I always use the moisture meter before watering. How much water would you recommend giving a yucca of that size? Some of the soil is from the original pot (that I purchased the yucca in), but the majority is a cactus, Palm, and succulent mix. I put this soil in when I repotted the plant. I have never added fertilizer, as the soil is Miracle Gro brand. Do you recommend fertilizing? The pot does have drainage holes that lead into a tray on the bottom. The tray, however, does not seem to detach from the pot. So, even though it’s draining, I don’t know how much water is actually draining through to the bottom. Do you think this could be a bacteria that is affecting some of the leaves? Thanks so much!