these are some otehr plants that I grow in side at my home. I have too many flowers including also cactuses. can you help me to identify them please? Is any one who can help me to find an identification books for flowers? I ma looking for some book gardening. Thank you
Propagation: Gasteria is easily propagated by the removal of offshoots or by leaf cuttings in spring or summer. To propagate by leaf cuttings, remove a leaf and let it lie for about one month, giving the wound time to heal. Then lay the leaf on its side with the basal part buried in the soil. This leaf should root within a month or two, and small plants will form at the leaf base. They can also grown from seed.
the mammilaria can be propogated by splitting out the pups or by seed (the red fruits should have viable seed inside if the flowers were pollinated - you may not get the same exact plant from the seeds, though, if it was open-polinated because it could have been crossed with a similar type plant). the tradescantia can be propogated by stem cuttings - cut a piece off and strip of the bottom few leaves and stick it in a container with water - change the water weekly and replenish as needed in between...should have enough roots to plant it in soil within a few weeks.