Hi all, Am trying to identify this indoor plant - it looks similar to a Yucca plant that I used to own, however this plant was 'adopted' and I don't know what it is. Please can anyone help identify and/or advise... Thanks!
It looks just like one of my Aglaonemas. I heard these grow wild in the south somewhere. I give mine bright indirect light (not harsh hot sun) and keep the soil a little bit on the moist side. It's best to let the top inch or two almost dry a little between watering. You don't want to keep the soil wet or let it dry out. Easy to propagate by stem cuttings, sometimes slow to send out leaves right away. It gets a few white/green flower/spaths that looks similar to the peace lily in the spring.
If this is an ag, most of mine grow best in lower light/indirect light. They don't like soggy roots. It does look like it is in need of help. Does it have good drainage? it does look like it could use trimmed.