Dear Members, I am new to this forum and joined because my wife and I love plants and flowers. We need to identify the palm plant shown in the attached photos because we need to understand how to properly care for it so that it remains healthy and continues to grow. We recently purchased this potted palm plan and have placed it in our living room next to a window so that it gets some light. However, it may be useful to know that there is no availability of direct sunlight through the window. We love this plant but have noticed that the end bits of the leaves have started to turn brown even though we water it regularly. We are of the opinion that it is not getting enough sunlight and that we may have to move it outdoors. Any help and input will be much appreciated. Kind regards, Sam
Sam, the palm experts check in from time to time, but are not affiliated with UBC, or not that I've noticed. Just occasional visitors as am I. So people aren't ignoring you as much as waiting for someone more qualified to take a stab at ID. It looks like what one might call a parlor palm, or Chamaedorea elegans. But there's also Kentia palm or Howea forsteriana, and I think one other similar palm. Your palm actually looks quite healthy to me. I'd say more, but I think you should visit the Daves Garden site to read PalmBob's comments on growing palms indoors.
Dear Thanrose, I was beginning to feel a bit ignored but understand what you mean. Thank you very much indeed for your kind and useful input. I will certainly go through Palm Bob's comments as per your suggestion. In one of the close-up pics that I posted, you will notice sections of the leaves turning brown and that concerns me.
I think it's neither, especially the former. The recurved fronds suggests something like Dypsis decaryi, Triangle Palm, though I not certain. A closeup picture of the base of the palm may help in its identification.
Hi Junglekeeper, here are photos of the base and the leaf-ends which are drying up. We are of the opinion that the plant needs more light but that is a guess because we are not experts in the field of plants. Furthermore, we don't live in a very humid environment but generally palm plants do thrive outdoors in our environment.
The golden color and speckling at the base is similar to that of Dypsis lutescens, Areca Palm. However the over all appearance doesn't seem to match.