Hello, I'm a new indoor palm owner, just realized there's some pest living in the pot. Wondering whether someone can help me to identify it and provide some control advice: When I watered the plant today, I noticed couple of whiteish grey worms crawling at the root of trunks(?) of the palm. When I took a closer look, there are more eggs on top of the soil in the pot. The worms crawled back into the soil before I could take picture, but I took a photo of the eggs. I find this a bit irksome, and want to treat it before all eggs hatched... but not sure what the pest is and how to deal with them. Any help is much appreciated!
The spheres might be a controlled/slow release fertilizer, for example, Osmocote. As for the worms, have a look at the thread Help white little worms | UBC Botanical Garden Forums for some possibilities.
Thanks for your reply! Hopefully those aren't eggs. I'll keep an eye on them and update if there are changes.