I have an indoor Jasmine plant (tree). I found many leaves are full of white pollen like dusty stuffs which becomes sticky after some time. Also on the new leaves, tiny black seed like bug which also moves if taken on hand. I do not know what are they and also I am worried if they will affect human health. This is an indoor plant and the bugs are so tiny they can easily become airborn and breathed. Any help?
I doubt the bugs are harmful to humans, but they will do some serious damage to your plant if not treated quickly. The stickiness is probably sap from where the insects (or mites or whatever) are eating the plant or their waste. Wash the plant in the shower and then spray the plants thoroughly with some type of pesticide (horticultural soap or oil if you are a good green citizen.) You will probably have to spray again in a week or so, and I usually spray a third time to be sure. Check all your other plants. It may be wise to rinse and treat all your plants. Jasmine tree is a common name, which usually refers to Murraya paniculata if you want to look up more care info about the plant.
Thank you very much for the reply. I tried a fongicide and an insectiside soap on the plant, they did not seem to help much. At the same time they kept smeling for weeks defeating the entire purpose of keeping an indoor Jasmine, even the flowers started smelling like insectiside soap. Surprisingly enough the bugs or the skickyness does not seem to be doing any harm to the plant which is very healthy. Leaves are perfect. I tried to wipe it with dishwashing soap solution and this seems to work (at least temporarily). Even the pot soil has white tiny bugs in it. I am planning to change the entire soil and wash the pot. Is this a good idea? Though this plant is in contact with many other indoor plants but has not effected ant other plant.
definitely switch out the soil if you're finding bugs in it. white pollen like dusty stuff - does it blow off or is it similar in looks to bits of cotton and is it localized at the base of the leaves (where they meet the stem)? if it looks like cotton, that would be mealy bugs and you treat them with rubbing alcohol - use a qtip to apply to the spots. repeat again in a couple of weeks and definitely keep an eye on your other plants. until you get the bug issues cleared up, i would move this plant so that it's not near others - at least a 10 foot gap between and more if you can manage it and still keep everything in their proper light conditions.
Thanks for the reply. I saw the picture of Mealy Bug and this is not like that. The white stuff does not fly as the leaves become stickey and they are stuck to the leaf. At the place where the leaf (new ones only) join the stem I have black tiny seed like bug. I will post some pictures when they re-appear, I have just cleaned them with soap and water.
I know that can insecticides are not PC, but Raid House and Garden has kept mine going for 8 years! These trees are so suceptible that you have to spray every couple of week weather you see the mites or not. If you are seeing the mites, your leaves will be gone soon.