I'm looking to ID the plant in the pictures. I've had it for years and don't remember where I got it but it was in a northeast window for years and was all green. Last year I repotted it and it's babies and put it in the northwest window where it became variegated. This week I repotted again because it puts out new shoots very easily and brought some to work with me. Everyone wanted one but no one knew what it was, including me! I couldn't find it on the Web anywhere. The leaf consistency is like a dracena but but that's the only similarity. It doesn't flower. Any ideas? Thanks, Eve Mongeau
Thank you! I actually think I was referring to Sansevieria (I was think of snake plant) when I said Dracena. It's funny that in all the searching the last couple of days I found many pictures of the regular plants but none of the birds nest. Now that I know, I've found many references on line. Thank you again - this seems like a good site for good information. Eve
You may be interested to know that Dracaena and Sanseviera are so closely allied that some botanists now say they should be merged into a single genus. Your plant is probably S. trifasciata 'Hahnii', an old cultivar. Variants of it with yellow striping are more widely grown, I suspect.
Thanks - I looked at so many pictures trying to find it online that the names sort of run together! I'm not that well versed in the botanical names but now I feel better about this one. Eve