Indoor 6 foot Pencil Cactus is sick

Discussion in 'Cacti and Succulents' started by nadyona, Aug 24, 2009.

  1. nadyona

    nadyona Member

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    NYC, USA
    Hello All,

    We have purchased a 6 foot pencil cactus about 2 months ago. Not long after the we got the plant the top leaves fell off. Soon after we started having whole branches falling off. It got obvious, the plant was missing something. Right now, as you can see on the picture, the bigger branches are sagging and eventually fall down as well. I really love this plant and would like to save it.

    As for the care, we have not done much. It is placed in the lightest room in the aoartment, though it has never direct sun on it. (I am afraid that if I move it close by the window it will get blasted by the AC unit). We were told to water it every 2 weeks, but honestly I am not sure if that was the case. I had my mother visiting me (who used to have a pencil cactus of her own, though a smaller one) and as soon as she saw the saggy branches, she told me that it needs water and watered it extensively. (Please note, it was not doing well before watering either and all the small leaves were down including some branches). That didn't help either and it just keeps getting worse.

    Anyway, I will appreciate all hints I can get on care instructions and resurrection technique.

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  2. Rosemarie

    Rosemarie Active Member

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    Most SW California, USA
    Do you have a balcony, where you could put it outside? If so...or even if not, I would quit watering it for awhile...give it as much warmth & sun as it can get.
  3. nadyona

    nadyona Member

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    NYC, USA
    Yesterday I moved it right by the window. It gets a little bit of direct sunlight in the afternoon. We will see if it helps.

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